
YOU Can Do It!

CFI CARE provides you with the training YOU need to be a successfully complete your CFII Flight Instructor Reinstatement. This will reinstate all existing ratings on your CFI certificate with one check ride.

CFI C.A.R.E.  provides downloadable training material from the website store for those who wish to do their on program. Or, for those who need a personal touch, ground and flight training from myself. For my personal students, I will assist you in scheduling your check ride and processing application(s) for your rating. 

CFII Reinstatement
Effective 01/17/2024 Training
Schedule full until 01/01/2025

Reinstate all existing CFI Ratings by completing a CFII Reinstatement. You must be Flight Review and IPC current. Training can be done in as little as 3 days. Scheduling Check Ride may take additional time.

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